We Didn't Know What We Didn't Know--Stories of Teaching Over Three Decades
Sue and Lisa are retired elementary teachers. When they started their careers, "They didn't know what they didn't know." Their podcast is here to show appreciation for those who are called to teach. They would also like you to laugh along with them. They are starting their 4th year, and hope you reach out with your story. Email us at podcastwedidntknow@gmail.com.
We Didn't Know What We Didn't Know--Stories of Teaching Over Three Decades
Lounge Lizards-The Teacher's Lounge
In this episode we join Lisa, who’s fresh back from a serene Portugal trip, but now reeling from eye surgery. Despite Lisa's "bloody eye" issues, she’s ready to dive into the day's topic: the mythical Teacher’s Lounge. It’s not just a place; it's an institution filled with characters straight out of a sitcom.
Remember the "lounge lizard"? The veteran teacher lounging like a lizard on a hot rock, flipping through outdated magazines? Or the "negative Nelly," who could find something wrong with a free vacation? And let's not forget the "corner spy," who listened more than talked, ready to report the latest gossip.
As Sue and Lisa reminisce, we hear about the infamous "wild west" vibe of the downstairs lounge, where entering as an outsider was like walking into a saloon full of silent, staring locals. And then there’s the epic saga of missing silverware. Apparently, if you wanted to find your long-lost forks, you just needed to clean out Sue's desk.
In between laughing fits, the duo laments the loss of the lounge to the demands of modern education. No more stolen puzzle pieces or questionable microwave smells. But the memories of shared Dilly Bars, covert gossip, and stress-eating half-gallons of ice cream in the corner remain.
They capture what happens when teachers, in desperate need of a break, find humor in the little things—like scavenging Freezy Pops from 1988 or fighting over the last cup of decent coffee. So, tune in, and laugh along with Sue and Lisa as they celebrate the highs and lows of life in the Teacher’s Lounge, where sanity is optional, but laughter is guaranteed.
Do you have a story to share? Do you just want to talk? Send us a text!
#holidayParties #StaffParties #TheyDontPayMeEnoughForThis, #IGiveUp, #HandsToYourself, #Icebreakers #teacherthreads #officeladies
#WhyDoIBotherDressingUp, #WhatItsAllAbout, #LessonPlan, #BathroomBreak, #DanielsonModel, #TryingToBeNice, #StopTheWorldIWantToGetOff, #WeDidntKnow, #WeDidntKnowWhatWeDidntKnow, #StressedTeacher, #funny,
#NiceTry #StillFail #elementaryHumor, #DoAsISayNotAsIDo , #AForEffort, #IsItSummerYet, #ImHip #CoolTeacher, #WhyIsThisSticky, #ClassPets
Please contact us with comments or questions at podcastwedidntknow@gmail.com.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SueandLisa
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wedidntknowpodcast/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgpsWcy93XJpleqVCML4IBQ
Thanks for listening! -Sue and Lisa
#teacherlife #teachersofinstagram #teacher #iteach #teachers #iteachtoo #funnyteacherstories #education #teaching #school #teach #teacherstyle #classroom #teacherretirement #teachertribe #learning #teacherproblems #students #elementaryteacher #primaryteacher #cryingteachers #elementary #thirdgrade #fourthgrade #fifthgrade #cryinginmycar #teacherfunny #ageism #proudtoteach #teachermamas #recessduty