We Didn't Know What We Didn't Know--Stories of Teaching Over Three Decades
Sue and Lisa are retired elementary teachers. When they started their careers, "They didn't know what they didn't know." Their podcast is here to show appreciation for those who are called to teach. They would also like you to laugh along with them. They are starting their 4th year, and hope you reach out with your story. Email us at podcastwedidntknow@gmail.com.
We Didn't Know What We Didn't Know--Stories of Teaching Over Three Decades
Acronym Overload
Decoding the ABCs of Acronym Overload - A Pep Talk by YOUR Principal
"Good morning, team! Today’s priorities: align PPG with MTSS strategies, focusing on PBIS to reduce ODRs. Address RTI needs for students with ADD, ADHD, or OHI in IEPs and 504s. Boost ELA, MAPE, and SEL through targeted SLOs. Support ELL students via SSI and ensure compliance with FAPE and ESSA. Plan interventions during PLC to discuss SPED and ESY. Tonight: report PBIS, IEP, and SEL gains to the BOE. In fact, I'm going to take them directly to the BOE for you. Let’s make this count people!" We've got this together."
Holy crap! It's like the DaVinci code. We need to have some kind of code breaker.
Do you have a story to share? Do you just want to talk? Send us a text!
#holidayParties #StaffParties #TheyDontPayMeEnoughForThis, #IGiveUp, #HandsToYourself, #Icebreakers #teacherthreads #officeladies
#WhyDoIBotherDressingUp, #WhatItsAllAbout, #LessonPlan, #BathroomBreak, #DanielsonModel, #TryingToBeNice, #StopTheWorldIWantToGetOff, #WeDidntKnow, #WeDidntKnowWhatWeDidntKnow, #StressedTeacher, #funny,
#NiceTry #StillFail #elementaryHumor, #DoAsISayNotAsIDo , #AForEffort, #IsItSummerYet, #ImHip #CoolTeacher, #WhyIsThisSticky, #ClassPets
Please contact us with comments or questions at podcastwedidntknow@gmail.com.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SueandLisa
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wedidntknowpodcast/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgpsWcy93XJpleqVCML4IBQ
Thanks for listening! -Sue and Lisa
#teacherlife #teachersofinstagram #teacher #iteach #teachers #iteachtoo #funnyteacherstories #education #teaching #school #teach #teacherstyle #classroom #teacherretirement #teachertribe #learning #teacherproblems #students #elementaryteacher #primaryteacher #cryingteachers #elementary #thirdgrade #fourthgrade #fifthgrade #cryinginmycar #teacherfunny #ageism #proudtoteach #teachermamas #recessduty